Dear patients, families, and referring providers,
YoSUP has been in operation since 2019 but we are now forced to close our doors as we do not have sufficient staff or resources to provide the exceptional care youth and their families deserve.
We understand the overwhelming need for addiction treatment programs for youth in our community and wish we could continue to provide this critical service.
In the meantime, below is a list of alternate resources.
Interventions Targeted for Parents/Caregivers (most evidence-based and effective for adolescents)
Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT)
CRAFT teaches family and friends effective strategies for helping their child or loved one to change their substance use and for feeling better themselves.
CRAFT works to affect your child's or loved one’s behavior by changing the way you interact with him or her. It is designed to accomplish three goals:
1. When your child or loved one is using substances in a problematic way and refusing to get help, CRAFT helps families move them toward treatment.
2. CRAFT helps reduce your child's or loved one’s substance use, whether or not they are engaged in treatment yet.
3. CRAFT improves the lives of the concerned family and friends.
- Information and Books:
- Online Course for Caregivers:
- Local CRAFT Groups for Caregivers:
Jennifer Fernandez, PhD & Associates
San Francisco and via Tele Health
[email protected]
Parent/Caregiver Support and Coaching
Willows in the Wind:
Intensive Outpatient Treatment Programs for Youth with Substance Use
Muir Wood Teen IOP
Petaluma, CA
Adolescent Counseling Services - Adolescent Substance Use Treatment Program
Redwood City & Palo Alto
El Camino Hospital ASPIRE - Quest Program
Mountain View
Evolve Treatment Centers
San Jose
Sutter Health Mills Peninsula
San Mateo
Residential Treatment Programs for Adolescents with Substance Use
Muir Wood Teen
John Muir Health
Adolescent Behavioral Health Programs
Offer treatment of various mental health problems, not specific to substance use
Inpatient Programs: 925-674-4100
Residential Treatment Programs for Adults with Substance Use
Ohlhoff Recovery Programs
New Start Recovery Solutions
Bayside Marin Treatment Center
Olympia House